>>10812286Girls don't really perceive moe the same way dudes do, it's biological. Moe is something you sense, something that evades words as people constantly try to pigeonhole it as paternal instinct, sex instinct, or just generic cute-response like when you see a kitten, but it's not exactly any of those things at once and yet can kind of meander between these things on a map - different people will have slightly different sensations from seeing the same character. Renge generally tilts dudes like 90% over on the paternal/cute-like-kitten side.
I think girls can only really "get" the cute-like-kitten side of the thing, but some of them, perhaps after a while, try to respect/comprehend the fact that dudes see something more. If they were themselves young or young-ish seeing such chars they may get a different type of sensation a dude actually won't - sisterhood, she's cool/inspirational/I'd like to be her friend etc. So that also complicates their reactions to the same chars hence girls actually really-really do like mahou shoujo anime etc because if they were like 8 and watching Sailor Moon, she's actually an inspirational cool char for them and so on.