>>10870834PPP(pekora's previous property) is a copy of Pekora's TTT(Tenkuu Trap Tower) which is a mob farm. Ame built PPP at the beginning of the server but didn't want to follow the instructions on how to build it properly because she was tired so she built it way lower than it should have been. To function properly the mob farm needs to be built way up in the sky to force the mobs to spawn in a dark room, she built it too low so it doesn't spawn enough mobs.
Ina tried to fix it later by building a tall tower in the sky to force all the mobs to spawn inside the dark room, which works but now they have to travel all the way up to the tower, wait for the mobs to spawn, come all the way down, kill the mobs and then go back up which is a lot of work and wastes a shit ton of time.