>>10873568EN males passing as idols isn't that big a leap. It's not common, but I'm sure there's people like Roberu out there in English-speaking countries: Idolfags that would jump at the chance to themselves be male idols.
No, the biggest problem I see is that the current "metagame" for vtubers is playing video games. "Males playing vidya" might be a more oversaturated arena in straming than any other. You would have to have males that can actually create content, make themselves appealing and interesting, but WITHOUT relying on vidya as their core pillar of content. And when they did play vidya, you would have to get somebody who is talented and entertaining in a completely disconnected from the video game they're playing. Right now, there's not much that can fill that order. Maybe some sort of charismatic savant that can explain or analyze a media while they're actively streaming it? Like a movie buff that talks about cool practical effects in a watchalong, or an artist that explains the difficulties in pulling off specific animation/perspective tricks, or a game designer that can talk about the theory behind specific level design choices. The main problem with this is that most people that excel in these sorts of things are in those industries and would gain nothing from becoming a vtuber.
So that means you need
>A male>That is charismatic independent of their activity>At least half-competent in streaming>Willing and able to become a vtuber>That has semi-unique skill(s) and knowledge that set them apart from their peers and competition>Doesn't already have a job in their field of expertise that would preclude them from streaming.>At least tangentially familiar with idolshit or willing to learn and engage with it>Maybe good at singing>Isn't ALREADY a successful streamer that checks these boxes.If you know anybody like that then please send Cover their information and make sure you never give that person your real name because you probably found a Fae or something.