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The /here/ vTuber Typology

No.10891606 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
With the increasing number of vtubers making themselves known to /vt/, I have come to group them into three categories of /here/:

>Type 0
These ones fulfill two conditions: 1. they are native 4chan users, and 2. their activity has its starting point rooted in 4chan. They are type "zero" because it goes without saying that they are /here/, as they are fully homegrown. Examples include Koopa and the vast majority of /wvt/ and /asp/.

>Type 1
These are vtubers with a moderate to heavy level of interaction with 4chan, but fail at least one of the conditions outlined above, so they may either have stumbled their way across this place in time, or are people who had been anons for a long time, but started their activity independently of this place. Examples include Pippa, Lumi, Beatani.

>Type 2
These are vtubers who, while proven to be /here/, only send occasional hints or acknowledgements to this place. Examples include Risu, Moona and all other proven /here/ holos.

With their increasing number, the label of /here/ is becoming too large of an umbrella term to refer to chuubas whose connection to 4chan wildly varies from case to case.