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The Vtuber ecosystem and its future

No.1095465 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Vtuber phenomenon and its consequences will be a disaster for the YouTube user base.
Don't get me wrong, I like Vtubers, but I cannot help but see them as a sign of how the internet will become even more artificial, sanitized, and corporatized than it already is.
The thing that sets them apart from “traditional” e-celebs the most isn’t the use of an avatar, but that they are full time employees of an actual company instead of some randos in their mom’s basement who somehow got lucky and “made it”. Their massive success shows how powerful that backing can be.

Because the barrier for entry is so low now, there is an ever increasing amount of content being dumped on the internet. It's getting harder and harder to get noticed and people will look for any way to stand out from the crowd.
Many are already trying to turn themselves into brands to better market themselves and even consulting Firms specializing in services to optimize your online presence.
I’m sure they wouldn’t think twice if some kind of agency came up to them and offered to take them under their wing, for a small cut of their earnings of course.
They will have dedicated staff like talent scouts, coaches, managers, focus groups, and editors to enable their talent to perfectly project the authenticity that the audience craves from steamers.
Who knows, maybe Hollywood will get involved.

The post ad-pocalypse YouTube self-censorship to avoid demonetization will be nothing compared to the tight restriction these firms will impose to ensure their content remains as squeaky-clean and therefore ad-friendly as possible.
They will kick you to the curb for dropping a single F-bomb (and by that I mean "Fuck", not "Faggot").
Hell, I bet their ironclad contracts will include a non-compete clause so if they get fired for accidentally letting a "shit" slip they won't be allowed to upload anything to the internet for years to come.

The sheer volume and polish of their output will make competing against them nigh impossible. There will still be Indies, and they will have their niche audience of loyal fans, but their numbers will utterly pale in comparison to those of these agencies.
Think of it like music, there are tons of garage bands and niche Indie artist, but the charts are always topped by celebrities with giant record labels backing them. And most indies will sell their souls to one of these companies the second they have a chance.

If this sounds farfetched, just look at the Kpop industry or Machinima. The latter burst onto YouTube, got a bunch of naïve creators to sign predatory contracts, milked them for all they were worth, and when they went under they took untold amounts of videos with them.

Please Discuss how (you) think Vtubers will influence the internet at large.