Let me preface this by saying I've been watching Kano for quite a while, the streams are comfy and fun to watch. Whenerver I can't catch it live, I'll watch the archives. I plan on keep watching Kano regardless because the streams are entertaining, so roommate doesn't matter.
Everything here is all links Kano's own public videos and public tweets, Since she's been open about it, none of it reveals information about the identity of the person behind Kano besides the voice thing - which Kano has, again, been prety open about.
I'll go over it for the convenience of EOPs and I'll spoiler it for those who couldn't be arsed. If it's a deal breaker for you, read at your own risk.
Kano's 中の人 (a.k.a rooomate) is a dude playing a girl character - that's not a secret neither a rrat as Kano has been pretty much open about it. The person isn't using a voice changer either - it's just an amazing vocal range.In her first video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dro3AHYAuAw), if the audio wasn't enough of a clue, you can read the comments. Jap dude says:
>だが男だ ("But it's a guy")
To whom Kano responds:
>設定では女の子だよ! ("In the setting, I'm a girl!")
Then, the twitter description:
>鹿乃(かの)とは、いろいろ未設定なVtuberである女声でゲーム実況をしている ("Kano is a Vtuber with a female voice who plays games and many unresolved settings")
If you search 「女声」(woman's voice) you will get a lot of articles about women. But, if you pair it with Vtubers will give you a ton about voice changers and babiniku vtuber (Magrona Channel often coming up) and on twitter it'll bring you to one person Kano follows and who always replies to Kano's good morning tweets - Shina Mio (@MioShiina), who's a VRChat babiniku with a voice changer (no hiding it either, the twitter name has the words 【full trap】 in it).
The unresolved settings part is related to the fact that for good part of 2019 Kano's settings were messy as a result of Kano's "Just do it" start.
If you search Kano's twitter handle with the word 「声」(Voice) you'll find a few tweets from mid-2019 talking about voice, among those, there one pretty obvious in which Kano displays the full voice range at that moment in time:
>ねぇねぇ鹿乃が男の子って言ったら信じる?("Hey, Hey, would you believe if Kano said it was a boy"?
The reactions are the people saying the boy voice is cool, one person asks how Kano does it, to which she answers:
>女声から普通の声を出しているだけですよ(設定上は女声が地声です) ("I'm just making a normal voice after the female voice, in the setting, [Kano's] base voice is a girl").
Last, this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxTfeMsjIfE The title is:
>今年を振り返って今の声と最初の頃の声を比較 ("Looking back at this year and comparing my voice now with the beginning")
Basically, the video happens at the end of the year, and Kano makes a video saying that the year is close to ending, and asks if there was improvements on her female voice since then.
The single commenter says:
>確実に上手くなってる!!! ("It's deffinitly improving!!!")
To which Kano replies with a "Thank you" (ありがとう).
I've transcribed it into a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8jwJsnFA you can DeepL it if you want, the translation is quite accurate
Anywan, I'll keep supporting Kano as I've been over the past year.
On Kano's voice volume and Yo Huns.
As said before, she streams late at night, and on top of that and also her voice isn't really loud naturally - she herself said that she doesn't have sound proofing because of it, answering a Marshmallow:
>配信者に興味があるのですが皆さん防音対策などはなにかしていますか? ("I'm interesting in becoming a streamer, do you have any sound proofing?)
>私は声が小さいから特に対策はしていないよ ("My voice is quiet so I haven't taken any [soud-proofing] measures
If she spoke normally, she'd likely have to get some sound proofing or she'd start bothering people around her.