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EN VT Tournament - SGAE: Day 9

No.10991680 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>EN Vtuber tourney. Super Autist Gosling Edition
>TL;DR search "UTC" and vote on today's poll. Cheating, 2 brackets, proof, vote on what to do, and fake matchups to "validate" votes.
>Special announcement
I never intended this tourney to be perfect or free from all cheating. I started it because I wanted the results to be as fair as possible. Unfortunately, I may have found evidence of cheating. Someone may be using multiple accounts to vote many times, and I believe it affected some results. I CANNOT DETECT ALL CHEATERS, I can only try to restore the result as it would have been if these 1-2 cheaters' votes were removed.
>I first noticed it at the end of day 6.
At the time, I didn't have a plan to fix it, and it might not be possible, especially in later rounds. After all, in the grand final there will be only one match, and it wouldn't be so strange if 300 votes all come in exactly the same. I didn't want to tell the cheater I was aware it was happening until I had some kind of solution.
>I watched and waited.
On day 7, the same pattern of cheating at the end of the day happened. This convinced me that something should be done. I developed a not-foolproof plan for how to mitigate the problem. I can't control everything about these polls because I don't have direct access and I'm not hosting it on my own site, so I can't even IP ban certain voters, not that that would help. I could probably ban certain gmail accounts and that might help a little. But since it is a google form, I can't do any of that. Day 8, I didn't detect any cheating. I assume it's because there were no matchups to flip.

>Two Brackets
Starting from today, I will have 2 different brackets. A) The original bracket, with all "cheating" votes intact. B) A new bracket, starting from day 4. In this new bracket, the matches that were flipped by the cheater will revert to their original result that would have happened if this cheater wasn't voting multiple times. Then the new matchups will be voted.

>IN TODAY'S VOTE ONLY, there will be a vote to see general opinions on how we should move forward.
You can select multiple options (checkboxes).
>A) Keep the original bracket only, and ignore any cheating.
>B) Abandon the original bracket, keep only the new bracket.
The new bracket will have every result the same as the original. But, the matches that were affected by cheating will have new matchups and new votes. Restart those matches from day 4, and keep the unaffected matches on day 9. This also extends the tournament for another 5 days.
>C) Keep voting on both brackets.

Also, if B or C wins, I want to have another vote for how to decide the affected matches.
>D) Hold a daily new bracket with regular head to head matches.
>E) Score a group of entrants and rank them, then place them in the New bracket and continue with head to head matches from day 9 or 10.

>Anti Cheat feature
At the end of every day's poll, I have 20 fake matches. Answers are provided in the Title of each fake matchup. You must vote in these to submit the form, and YOU MUST VOTE FOR THE CORRECT "ANSWER" FOR YOUR ENTIRE VOTE TO COUNT in the final poll. If you make a mistake and choose the wrong answer to any of the 20 fake matches, your entire vote will be invalidated. Please double-check before submitting.
>Why this method of anti-cheat? It won't stop them.
You're right. It will only make it more annoying to vote. Thus, it will be even MORE annoying to vote more than once. Now that I've told everyone, a potential cheater can easily get past my simple detection. So the only way to prevent multiple votes is to make it more annoying and time consuming. Theoretically this will also slow down any potential vote-flipping.

>Proof of cheating

>Round 4 Losers, new bracket petra v araka luto, democracy, and anti-cheat matchups
>Day 9 will close at about 4am - 5am UTC.

>Day 8 results

Image post in OP

>5: double elimination tournament
day 9: Round 4 Losers (8: 4 from Ro8, 4 from R3L -> 4 to R5L)

>These polls don't collect emails, this can be verified by hovering over the eyeball icon next to your email at the top of the form.

>Past threads and rules
Day 1 >>10569021
Day 2 >>10630437
Day 3 >>10681248
Day 4 >>10731693
Day 5 >>10773085
Day 6 >>10823232
Day 7 >>10879470
Day 8 >>10934160