>>11214134https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BK7pluFl3IThis was recorded by Ex- Artiafag who do not agree to spam Coco on November last year.
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/censor-youtube独轮车-auto-youtube-chat-sender1. 独轮车 = wheelborrow = scripted spam program.
2. This video show how many times in Artia discord talked about " wheelborrow"
Why they talk about this so many times?
3. They talked about where and how to download and use spam bot to spam Coco on that time. Believe it or not is up to you.
4. Why are they talking about 独轮车 in Artia discord ? Why someone was invited to become spammer from Artia discord?
Who collected and recorded about this on Artia discord? Because
The center of spamming come frome Artia discord maggots.
I can assure you one thing.
Never believe Artiafags.
They are lying as they breath.
Sorry , I really am ESL