>>11307948>Will it be big?From the 50, probably less than 10 (or 5) will stay relevant, wouldn't surprise me if it is the female asian ones.
>B-But Sony's money.That's for ads, also, if management fucks up really badly then you can expect graduations in around a month or two after their first anniversary unless Sony panics and throws them a bunch of cash to stay in the game (hard guess, probably not happening).
>Thoughts about them?Expect 2 or 3 forced poorly casted and also secretly inclusive Chuubas from the western side. Wouldn't surprise me if they start to "call out" non-political big chuubas or something, they can manipulate the algorithm anyways.
>It's Sony, they can overcome your schizo rant explaining the problems of running something so big from the startYOU ARE RIGHT!!!, this IS Sony, they will just go retarded and commit a Gamebu once several of their performers quit and the higher management refuses to throw away merch and 2D/3D models, I can already see the /vt/ memes once some autist manages to find out a "slightly off" voice is actually a recast due to frequency analisys or something IDK.
>So then what?Unless they have someone who unironically has experience handling this type of thing on a large scale, then you can expect this shit to crash and burn slowly, not suddenly, also wouldn't surprise me if Sony suddenly starts stopping giving permissions for their games or flat-out taking down videos left and right of "non-their agency" Chuubas, even worse, they could flat out "chain-copyright" strike big chuubas to take out the competition, they just need a single retard on a computer with claiming permits, just timing the claims perfectly and that's it, your Oshi is DEAD and even if she comes back through management and YouTube negociation magic, she will probably have to "bend the knee" to Sony (accept collabs, shill) to play their games or to just keep her own videos up and under the radar of the banhammer.
>Schizo theory incomingYou guys didn't suspect of the fact that Sony got laxer and laxer with their streaming permissions for agency chuubas just months before this announcement, right?