>>11510365Thanks! I'm glad too, it could've been a lot worse and after some coffee I'm doing a lot better! Waking up early is always nice though, it gives you more time of the day to do stuff with!
Your current situation is Reversed Justice.
Justice is a straight-forward card, it stands for fairness, truth, cause and effect and law. It is what many of us desire in life. Reversed Justice, however, implies unfairness, lack of accountability and dishonesty. If you think about it, nature often represents those traits, while humanity desperately wants Justice to be universal.
What this means for your current situation may be that you are finding yourself at a disadvantage. Maybe the cards are stacked against you, maybe someone wronged you and got away with it... or maybe you're being dishonest with yourself? Either way, you're in a situation where that desire for Justice in us is not met.
Your obstacle, that which is causing you this, is the High Priestess. While it may be easy to assume it mean a woman is causing you trouble, and maybe she is, this card is a very introverted one. She represents intuition, sacred knowledge, divine femininity and the subconscious mind. Know yourself is an old axion, and the High Priestess represents that.
It's quite possible your obstacle is related to your subconsciousness. Maybe what happened is weighing on your subconscious mind, causing you grief, but your conscious mind doesn't want to know about it. You have the answer to your problem inside, but it is locked away, and you may need to have to do some self-reflection to face what's causing that imbalance in Justice.
The cards suggest the Reversed Magician for their advice.This is a controversial piece of advice so don't hold me accountable! The Reversed Magician stands for manipulation, poor planning and untapped talents. Maybe the best thing to do is just to keep focusing on yourself. Perhaps you've planned your life a bit too strictly and you're not allowing yourself the time to relax and focus on your own potential? Perhaps due to poor planning you're in a situation that feels unjust? They suggest that it might be worth considering where your talents lie, and if you can do something else?
...But they're just pieces of cardboard so what do they know?