Watching Lunya taking on another brand new job as yesterday she became the cutest video game programmer and today she's becoming the cutest maestro, making beautiful music with her crew of various Miis and cheering them on with incredibly cute giggles and humming her own tunes.
While look at Anya go! Her deductive skills have become way too powerful and you know, as long as her neck isn't snapped she can sniff out the Gnosia from a mile away. Convincing the crew that she's right though is another thing. But her stats are getting higher and higher with each loop and soon she'll piece together all the information she needs to end this loop forever.
While Kiara's finally on the right track to reaching the cut off point of where she's allowed to stream Tales of Arise and while it's sad to see one of her favorite series finally done with it, it'll be exciting to see what other RPGs she's going to be taking on after this one. Maybe she'll play FF7 remake or something...if they even have EN Squeenix permissions.
While Matsuri and her exposed forehead is still off gaining points in her Ranked Apex stream. Her aim is actually steadily improving as time goes on and she's having lots of fun. Current Rank: Plat IV
AZKi and Suisei got together and gave us an absolutely breathtaking performance of AZKi's original song The Last Frontier. Written by AZKi herself this coming together is always a wonderous occasion due their past history while AZKi was purely INNK. They respect and love each other a great deal and every time they sing together they move the hearts of all who listen. Now hurry up and get to streaming this wonderful song if you haven't already, and stream it again if you did. once again blessed our lives by being incredible at singing, taking on Wotaku's Gehenna. A song filled with high and low notes, Okayu's expertly hit it out of the park with this and nailed those notes as if it was just second nature. If you missed out on this sexy cat singing, now's your chance to get something incredible into your life by streaming it right now. friends, where we at?