>>1172546>Well, because I'm not ambitious.nta, but reminder that the grass is always greener, it's something she says all the time and it's a common theme in her life. If you're happy she's jealous. You can do your bass and piano reps, make your art and connect with people as best you can, and make yourself feel as happy as you want or need to. I wish I was one of those people autistic enough to have a stash of Mori clips, but she says it all the time; you don't NEED to push yourself for her sake, she doesn't want that, she just wants people to be happy for their own sake. I mean, to be brutally realistic, yeah, you don't have a chance with Mori, none of us do
except me, get fucked nerd, but if somehow, some fucking way, you manage to get her attention, she's not gonna care if you're not the biggest hottest fucker out there and nobody knows your name. It's all good, my dawg.