Hello, it's Divegrass anon AGAIN, with the poll results.
>Filter answers were:
Elfriend Estate
Any variation of mikoboat (I also counted any obvious joke answer like typing shutup or porukaoruka becaue the point is knowing what mikoboat does)
We had 27 valid answers
>Q1 - Which Player would you like to see removed?
The rule is that if over 1/3 (33.3%) agree a player should go, then so be it
Conversely, if less than 5% (heh) vote on a player to go, the instantly stay
With that in mind:
The following players got 1/3 or more of the people to vote for them to be removed
>Nadeko Sengoku
They are instantly dropped
Conversely, the following players have secured a spot without needing to be voted due to scoring less that 5% in this vote
>-Post op. Rushia
>-Schizo Hole
They are also kind of our flagship memes so I am not surprised no-one voted for them to leave
Q2 is more of a question for me to gauge which players would need some remodels/rethinking, so I am not gonna post the results until we have fully selected the players
But suffice to say, the large majority wants to keep OP, Rushia and Schizo Hole as their current models
Among some others
Q3 and 4 were about our current goalkeepers
Schizo Hole remains as both a player AND the starter Goalkeeper
The Last Dad will remain as the substitute Goalkeeper IF he is voted in as a player (since he did not secure a spot in the previous voting)
Q5 Asked who should take the place of the current sub GKs, and the vote was super split, with the most popular opinion being that Containment Zone should be the keeepr... with a total of 4 votes
Player suggestions were as follow
>Vietlam Soldier
>Landmine Koronesuki
>the gayest nekko
>Southern Yubi Alliance
>Imperialist Hooman, Exiled Nekkos, Kenzoku's Lag Machines, Finished Cathedrals
>Book stealer
>Hooman Invaders, Hermit Cabin, Spawn Hentai, "5-3 Vshojo victory", History Books Bandit
>Haamu/ Kumo
>Thieving Dragoon
>Vietlamese Soldier
>Vietlamise Soldier, Hooman Conqueror, >Tambourine Club
>Pippas feet
>as a cumbud i want something gura related but i dont think we are too relevant on yubi, except lolis interesting sense of humor
>a hfz player maybe
>Spawn Ero Post
>Illiterate newfag
I'll condense this list later, delete duplicates and then move one to add them to the list of current players so we can both on all of them
And that's it
Form Number 2 with ACTUAL VOTING for ACTUAL Players will be posted sometime during the morning