autism is not merely social awkwardness, you fuckers
Criteria for Autism (DSM-V):
"persistent deficits in each of three areas of social communication and interaction (A) at least two of four types of restricted, repetitive behaviors (B)"
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity (e.g., failure to initiate/respond to social interactions)
Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction (e.g., poor eye contact, lack of facial expressions)
Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understand relationships (e.g., difficulties making friends)
Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech
Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior
Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus
Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment
Important: Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning.
Differential Diagnosis (as many as 85% of children with autism also have some form of comorbid psychiatric diagnosis)
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) – The obsessive thoughts and repetitive actions seen in OCD can appear very similar to the ritualistic behaviors and motor stereotypes seen in ASD.
Anxiety – Children who have problems with anxiety may be hesitant to interact with others. They may have difficulties with transitions. Children with anxiety are still socially related and have appropriate social insight.
Depression – Depression in children can present in a variety of ways. Children may be withdrawn and isolate themselves. They may have a blunted affect and avoid eye contact.
Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – Children with ADHD may have impairments in their social skills due to their hyperactivity and impulsivity. They may have difficulty sustaining a conversation because of inattention. Children with ASD often have problems with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.