>>12103600here's my pro guide to understanding like 75% of what's going on during gameplay (zatsudans are going to be pretty fucking hard to understand for a while. )
to begin, learn hiragana/katakana, takes like a week unless you're retarded.
simultaneously: download anki, grind out the anki core 2k japanese word list. read slowly through tae kim's grammar guide to learn various grammar points. in the beginning, focus on a few of the basic verb conjugations.
look for comprehensible input that you can listen to. dedicate your focus entirely to the content. you aren't going to learn shit from watching something that you can only understand 10% of; find ways to understand it better.
no visuals = nerf to comprehensibility., so avoid podcasts etc. look for shit with pretty pictures. here's a good starter youtube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/c/ComprehensibleJapanese/videosthe best immersion content is content that's easy to understand, but that doesn't make you want to blow your brains out from boredom.
if you're serious about learning the language, you're going to want to buckle down on your kanji in order to learn to read properly. i recommend wanikani, but some people swear by Remembering the Kanji. either way, choose one of those two and stick with it consistently. wanikani starts slow but will pick up as you go, so dont worry about it. neither of them will magically make you literate, but its the difference between.
after you learn about 100 kanji, you can try to start actually reading simple content. a lot of people suggest graded readers; what worked best for me was an app called satori reader.
written japanese is a little different from spoken japanese, but improving your understanding of one will improve your understanding of the other, so don't slack on either.
some people hate textbooks, but finishing genki 1 and 2 is a good checkpoint for starting to actually understand the language and how it works. you can ahoy them pretty easily.
this will be enough to get you to understand the gist of what's going on during chuuba gaming streams.