Milky Queen a Cute! CUTE!
>Follow Milky on twitter>follow MaiPrincess on Youtube>Follow Milky Queen on Twitch out Milky's schedule and come along to some streams, this week she has a collab with the girls from Go! Go! Nippon!, a VR stream playing resident evil, and an unarchived Karaoke stream, you can also check out her vods on Twitch from previous streams for the past (I think) 60 days of streams.
Milky is currently a full time engineer and has to stream first thing in the morning JST but she has agreed with her company that she will go Part time from December, so she'll be able to stream longer and more often!
Some recommendations
>Mori and Milky singing "Airplanes" >Mori and Milky singing "A Whole new World" >Mori and Milky singing "Baka Mitai" >Mori and Milky singing "Hakuna Matata" >Milky's Original song "Crystal Cities" Thank you for your time.