>>12169208Copy paste of some post I made a few days ago about him.
Mizuryu Kei was a very special kind of a complete and absolute mess.
>Mizuryu Kei got a gig to make a Hololive manga with Marine in it, and he's a HUGE fan of her>Even Marine is a big fan of his works>Life is good, everything is going great>Suddenly, he started tweeting things like "Are you fucking kidding me?" and "Don't mess with me">Decided to delete every single Hololive-related artwork and doujins he ever made (which was a lot), that came out of absolutely nowhere and it surprised everyone>No one knows what happened exactly, there's no official tweets, confirmation or announcement from either him or Cover, the most common rrats are :> - Cover asked him to stop making R18 Hololive content since he's now an official artist> - He asked to meet or talk to Marine, which Cover refused> - What >>11869057 said>At the time, the whole Taiwan incident was still going on in full force, his "manager" on Bilibili made a livestream on the Mizuryu Kei channel, and talked about how much he got fucked over by Cover and how they shouldn't be trusted by anyone you can't own a Bilibili account or even do business at all in China if you're not chinese yourself, which is why this dude is here>He realized that things were going WAAAAAY too far, so he deleted his angry tweets, asked everyone to not harass the girls and made a post on Bilibili saying that what his manager said in that stream aren't his opinions>But too late, Chinks started using him as a symbol against Hololive, the girls started getting harassed even harder, and at some point, even Marine was getting harassed as well>Nips were absolutely pissed off, they dug up pic related from one of his old works and used it to mess with the Chinks.>Chinks realized that this image was actually real, they declared him a Nanking denier and instantly threw him awayIn only few hours, the dude went from being angry at Cover and making a few pissed off tweets to being a symbol against Hololive, and finally ended up being both a pariah and a Nanking denier.
He got heat from both sides, so he just privated his Twitter account for a few months and completely disappeared from the Internet, not even a tweet or a single like, until very recently.