I have a "ghost story". It actually happened to me and it fucked me up for years
>live in a boarding home
>each house segmented to different families, all broken families supported via gov bucks
>My room is at the furthest end near the fire escape whose window leads out into a heavily forrested parking lot
>Sleep late due to watching Inuyasha and other adult swim shit
>get the feeling im being watched for weeks
>wake up one day and peer out the window and a large (We're talking 6ft 6' type dude) is standing out in the parking lot but silhoutted due to the trees and lack of lighting in the parking lot
>he's peering at my window
>hes peering at MY WINDOW
>freak out tell parents, They wake up flash light dudes gone
>this happens every couple of days
>One day, having gone into the ritual of checking out my window at night in between adult swim bumps, I notice the same shadow
>Rub eyes
>Hes gone
>try to sleep it off
>Wake up in what feels like an hour later and see a shadowy figure sitting by my bedside, tvs off but the light from the window indicates the silhoutte of a large man sitting bedside to me
>Frozen in fear
>Eyes adjust somewhat and I see him motion his finger up to his lips in a shush motion
>turn over and cry
>wake up the next day and to this day can't remember if he actually entered my room that day
>He would eventually break into our home to run up to his house to try and kill his wife but thats a whole another story for another time
>shit still fucks me up till today where i have to constantly check windows everytime i sleep