>>12645844>>12649156Why are you guys arguing about this? Here's the deal: Red utterly and completely dominated all the events before RLGL and had a big lead over White. White shouldn't have gotten as many points as they did during RLGL, but that's how they designed it to lower the gap so a winner wouldn't be decided too early and render the remaining events pointless. They did the same thing for PVP. Red won 2-1, yet Red only got 9 points while White got 30 points...despite winning less PVP matches. Does no one else see the inconsistency here? This isn't me raging because I'm a redfag or a whitekek, I'm merely pointing it out. The same thing would've happened if Red had been in White's position. Similarly, White would've gotten extra points to tie it at the end of the relay race if the situations had been reversed. Do you get it? It was fixed from the very beginning. The only difference in the reversed situation is that redfags would have been the ones seething over pity points instead of whitekeks.