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I got bullied today for watching my chubba

No.12657627 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>mom invites siblings over for dinner today
>i never got along with my 2 other brothers so I decide to just stay in my room
>get /comfy/ and start watching my oshi stream
>suddenly feel the earth move and panic as I fall off my chair
>oh shit it's an earthquake
>no it's my degenerate younger brother pulling my chair underneath me
>my headphones pop off and the audio plays loudly in the entire house
>yell back but I'm too emotional to make sense so I just yell yabai
>he starts laughing and says I'm 28 years old over and over again
>he then gets serious and tells me I have to have dinner with the rest of them
>this absolute fucking faggot then starts talking about it while eating and how I was watching "little japanese cartoon girls moaning sexually" to my mom
>explain they're not underage and that they're actually a thousand years old
>mom starts getting emotional and says why can't I control myself
>older roastie sister suggests it's not my fault and that she could help me get a job at her office delivering mail
>stand up and tell them to all go fuck themselves
>slam door while yelling how I wish they were all dead
>hear mom crying before plugging back my headphoned in