since people are talking about tiktok im gonna do a bit of a manager post because i've had a very negative experience with tiktok outside of vtubing i've talked about in the past around here
we ran a donation fed video site, some random made a clip about our site on their little american teacheshow2pronouncejapanese and flooded the servers with far too many members, most of which were under 20, the entire original audience is now gone and replaced by people who don't donate, forcing it to become yet another ad filled site with occasional viruses, a passion project i've mostly abandoned.
this was something entirely out of our control that happened, the videos that someone made making our site go viral did not really target a specific audience instead saying 'free stuff here'
there are two key differences here
>1, the servers were our problem, not megacorp'sif your chat becomes unreadable because too many are posting, that is the end goal, that is making it
>2, we did not have control of the clips contentI think that if you put out clips that actually reflect the content you make things should be fine, you're in control of what you put out there after all, even if someone else makes the clips, you are in control of what they are clipping.
by doing this you're casting a much smaller net than ours was, only scooping people who are interested in content you're making, and not the wide array of content we were providing.
I still think tiktok is stupid zoomer shit for people with no attention spans and won't translate to people who'd watch my own content, but twitter isn't any better and it's undeniably important to have a twitter.