>>12778793They hire based on voice, content, and compatibility with previous gens. All of their voices matches well with the model.
They hired a literal who in Baelz, so you can't argue that they only look at numbers.
They hired Kronii for VA niche, Fauna for ASMR niche, and Sana for being an artist.
Kronii gets along well with Gura due to both having PL related to youtube shitposting, Fauna is an admitted Gura fan, Sana is Ina's artist friend.
I'd say that Mumei could be the only numbers hire, but she's filling in the HoloEN Aqua role pretty nicely, and she works well with Kronii.
Baelz, I have no idea why they hired her, but she's the hardest worker of the bunch, so could be hired for passion and her voice fitting the model.