>>12899256>>12899269It’s called ytarchive. Heres a copypaste of some writeups by other anons:
Assuming you have Windows 10 here.
Download ytarchive executible and put it in a folder.
Download fresh ffmpeg.exe and put it in the same folder.
Install Windows Terminal from the MS Win store and run it. You can move through the folders with good old DOS commands, cd .. will get you up one level, cd [folder name] will get you into that folder, and to change to a different disk just type d:(assuming you wanted disk D).
Using these commands, navigate into the folder with executables. There, type in:
ytarchive -t -r 60
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3n5uGu18FoCy23ggWWp8tA/live and press Enter.
Voila, ytarchive is monitoring her channel for frames every 60 seconds and will either start recording when she streams right away or ask you what quality you want when she puts up a frame, not sure. You can also point it at already present frame directly:
ytarchive -t [frame URL]
If the frame is members only, you'll need to supply cookies in format that ytarchive understands. To do that, install Get cookies.txt from jewgle chrome store, get on
youtube.com, log in under your account with Moomers membership and just hit export in addon. You'll get a txt file, rename it cookies.txt for convenience and place it in the same folder you place everything in.
Command string will now look like this:
ytarchive -cookies cookies.txt -t [members frame URL]
I'm not sure if it will work with polling the /live channel URL every 60 seconds like in first example, gotta test that.
But this should get you started at least and give me some peace of mind in case I forget to do the thing or unable to. Nobody will save those guerilla streams if we don't, hooman.
and other hoomans using ytarchive, you need to specify a video quality at the very end of the ytarchive command if you want it to be non-interactive (which you do if you are automating this or still do your sleep reps despite being a hooman). For example, "720p/720p60/best" will download the 720p version, or the 720p60 version if the 720p version is unavailable, or the best quality (e.g. 1080p60 if available) if the 720p and 720p60 versions are unavailable. I suggest you at least end the list with "best" because ytarchive will quit if the video quality you specified is unavailable, so fall back on the best quality or you risk losing a stream.
Also, ytarchive will download a stream already in progress (from the start) if you didn't run it in advance.