>>13015633Dude to be a male content creator you don't even have to be attractive. Asmongold is a goblin looking motherfucker that lived with his mother and played WOW all day and he got lucky and became popular. Tyler1 looks like a neanderthal and has no IRL friends, plays LeL all day, and still found an audience.
Look, the point is trying, even if you are talentless. If you practice something in 2 years you'll be ahead of everyone else that didn't even try and people will call you talented too. Or don't even have a talent and still try, Sseth and Charlie were literal /v/tards with no talents that just reviewed videogames and they made it on Youtube too. Notch was a literal /v/ fat fuck neckbeard and he made the most popular videogame of all time. There are tons of people out there who by all means wouldn't be famous yet there they are, and are earning quite a bit because they tried making something at one point and got lucky.
Will you succeed? Most likely not, but not even trying has a 0% success rate, while trying has a 1% success rate.