>>13109780>Literally nothingFor those who won't/didn't watch the video someone already transcribed a whole bunch of the crap he says in there
Numberfagging right from the start making it all about profiteering?
>They've been making pretty much big bank banking off the whole virtual youtuber trend that has been happeninghttps://youtu.be/Q5ZHcqBumPc?t=39https://youtu.be/Q5ZHcqBumPc?t=71Portraying Nene as a shrewd manipulator using her feminine wiles to rear her 'simps' like a herd of pigs?
>Dare I say a band of simps have formed under her belt and, uh, she definitely has a very good grasp on her male audience who not only like her for her but also just like her for, you know, other more romantic and sexual wayshttps://youtu.be/Q5ZHcqBumPc?t=200Customary instigation of moral panic?
>When you see a page like this, you can't help but think "great photoshop , dude" (giggle), it is just so hilarious. This is a real page in a real magazine. It is truly terrifying that this has become a reality...https://youtu.be/Q5ZHcqBumPc?t=287Sensationalist, bizarre blame targeted at anime aesthetics for raising "beauty standards"?
>Have we really gotten to that stage where we can't distinguish the difference between reality and fiction? Like it really is starting to turn into some like post-apocalyptic shit, like this is some "I am Robot" shit dude where like we are really just blurring the lines between what is considered a real woman or a real standard of beautyhttps://youtu.be/Q5ZHcqBumPc?t=461>But for fuck's sake man like can you really just not distinguish the difference between a fucking 2d character and a 3d character anymore have we really gotten to that point in Japan that the anime simps are just like taking over this landscape and that we can't just appreciate real Japanese women's standards of beauty to the point where we have to throw in a fucking virtual youtuberhttps://youtu.be/Q5ZHcqBumPc?t=554Outright disdain towards what he claims is an "accomplishment"?
>Amazing accomplishment, as I said before, amazing accomplishment, this is just fucking hilarious, I'm sure she's going to remember this for the rest of her life, you know it really is just painting a little bit of a bleak picture when it comes to the future of how standards of beauty are going to be perceived in Japanhttps://youtu.be/Q5ZHcqBumPc?t=588Holding up a few schizos as examples of the fandom, then expressing that he would rather those schizos stalk the roommate instead of being deluded by the live2D?
>I mean, god forbid if you'll ever find yourself in that situation because who the fuck buys magazines nowadays and you opened up this page you would think that the world was coming to an end. You think, oh my god we've really gotten to the point now where people legitimately want to wife a 2D character, like, unironically. We say we call them waifus but no, some people are like legit about that shit. Some people are like no, no, she ain't my waifu she's my fucking wife all right, I'm going to wife her eventually, not the person inside who is voice acting and acting as this character, no, the character itselfhttps://youtu.be/Q5ZHcqBumPc?t=614How much more do you need? This actually isn't just insulting to vtuber watchers, he's basically reducing a large part of the systemic problems plaguing Japan's falling birthrate to "too high standards".
>I mean the Asian standards of beauty especially in Japan are already so insanely high...that's, I would say, is one of the very big reasons as to why there are a lot of single, you know, not looking-for-a-relationship-type of women and men in Japan because a lot of them unfortunately have this just insanely high standard in terms of looks, in terms of personality, in terms of the type of partner they are looking for that can't have any flaws in them whatsoever otherwise they are not waifu and husbando material, and again, I feel that's one very big factor that is leading towards this rapid decline in population when it comes to young people not getting married, not being in relationships, not even looking for relationships, and it's become this like really strange-like platonic landscape that has very simply undertones.https://youtu.be/Q5ZHcqBumPc?t=492Anyone can tell you how unbelievable that sounds right off-the-bat especially from the male end.