The stunt driver known as Gura is becoming more and more of a bully as she thinks pompadours are for nerds and she'll kill you if you ever even think about hurting her dog. If she had one. Now watch as she literally swerves on straight roadways, runs over pedestrians and tries to get in a pushing contest against trees. Gura's a pretty terrible gangster when you get down to the nitty gritty of it but she's cute so she's forgiven. is reading through supachats right now, which a lot of them talk about how much they missed Lamy and practically cried when they learned she couldn't make chat streams with her dead Desktop. Lamy then said she cried because she couldn't see Yukimin and then her and chat had a good back and forth cry. It was a sight to behold. is still being extremely adorable as hell right now as she just got herself a nice floppy Magikarp to add to her vast team of early mode pokemon. She named the female magikarp cowboy_arnol...because...because you know.'s got another Earthbound stream going on and she even blessed us with a song about her father's out of her life again because he's busy with research but it's alright because she has friendship, and friendship never ends. CHAD, Stacy and Steve will be together forever and ever. As long as Mori has anything to say about it. is still hard at work, grinding his pizza away as he sweats his ass off playing some Ranked Apex, working on trying to achieve Diamond this season. Current Rank Gold II very close to Gold I
Astel is facing off against the Elite 4 right now! He had some bumps against Flint but ultimately beat him, now he's finished with the last member of the Elite 4 and is taking on Cynthia! If he succeeds, he'll be the second Holo to become the Champion of BDSP! Go Astel Go! less than 35 minutes, it's time for Meimei to start her Pokemon Adventure! I know some of you have been waiting for this, Meimei's been teasing a good time with this stream so it'll be great to see what kind of starter she'll pick as well as what her team will look like at the end. It's good civilization!>Songs ReleasedSankisei released this brand new full gen original song today and it's very very good. It and a multitude of other songs will be sung during their upcoming concert in a few days, so go buy those tickets right now if you haven't because waiting last minute will only leave you frustrated. While you do that, go give this song a stream, it's a total banger!