[333 / 70 / ?]
Previous thread >>1217906
Key Locations
Center: https://pixelcanvas.io/@0,0
Permanent area: https://pixelcanvas.io/@4587,2854
Lewd Area: https://pixelcanvas.io/@32500,4000
>Minimap Script
>In progress
Cleaning old pixels around our artworks @everywhere
Big Tako @-137,237
Suicidal Tako @4837,3117 [M] >>1270074
Suisei Glove @3944,2860 >>876699
Ina Mushroom @4762,3117 [M] >>1332293
Undertale Coco @4637,2786 [M] >>1328921
Undertale Kanata [M] >>1328985
Undertale Luna [M] >>1329028
Huge Kanata @4339,2754 >>1034087
Big Okakoro @3213,3690 >>1127970
Huge Ass Polka @3389,2780 >>938518
Miko @4224,3222
Pekora @3760,3083 [TM]
Pekora @4058,3693 [TM]
Surprise Mural @4063,3191 [TM]
Surprise Mural @4252,3376 [TM] pekomiko?
Other VOMS?? @4568,3148 [TM]
Pony Gura @4566,2779 [TM]
Okayu and onigiri @3578,3341 [TM]
Matsuri Bikini @32600,3771 [M] >>1269248
Ayame @32455,3945 [TM]
Haachama @31061,3766 [TM]
faggot orange @31869,3697 overlaping pekomiko
Cool Shion @35044,-34896 [M] will be moved?
>T - no template posted
>M - not on the minimap
Full list https://pastebin.com/raw/pMGDjpNZ
Key Locations
Center: https://pixelcanvas.io/@0,0
Permanent area: https://pixelcanvas.io/@4587,2854
Lewd Area: https://pixelcanvas.io/@32500,4000
>Minimap Script
>In progress
Cleaning old pixels around our artworks @everywhere
Big Tako @-137,237
Suicidal Tako @4837,3117 [M] >>1270074
Suisei Glove @3944,2860 >>876699
Ina Mushroom @4762,3117 [M] >>1332293
Undertale Coco @4637,2786 [M] >>1328921
Undertale Kanata [M] >>1328985
Undertale Luna [M] >>1329028
Huge Kanata @4339,2754 >>1034087
Big Okakoro @3213,3690 >>1127970
Huge Ass Polka @3389,2780 >>938518
Miko @4224,3222
Pekora @3760,3083 [TM]
Pekora @4058,3693 [TM]
Surprise Mural @4063,3191 [TM]
Surprise Mural @4252,3376 [TM] pekomiko?
Other VOMS?? @4568,3148 [TM]
Pony Gura @4566,2779 [TM]
Okayu and onigiri @3578,3341 [TM]
Matsuri Bikini @32600,3771 [M] >>1269248
Ayame @32455,3945 [TM]
Haachama @31061,3766 [TM]
faggot orange @31869,3697 overlaping pekomiko
Cool Shion @35044,-34896 [M] will be moved?
>T - no template posted
>M - not on the minimap
Full list https://pastebin.com/raw/pMGDjpNZ