>>13476366ORAS' main sin was not following on HGSS's steps and not adding Emerald's improvements, GL rematches and not having a proper postgame, but I believe it gets undeservely shat on. I loved how they applied Mega Evolution to Groudon and Kyogre and applied it to the plot, I liked many of the new character redesigns, the online capabilities were plain amazing (even if they were carried from XY) and sharing Secret Base QR codes was all kinds of fun, I remember how in /vp/ we'd share our secret bases and QR codes, along having the Blissey ones for easy leveling, and personally I was never a fan of the RSE music, so I really enjoyed almost all of the remixed themes (except for Steven's, it lost a lot of intensity). In all regards, it can truly be called a remake of the original.
Now look back at BDSP and tell me what does it add, other than Fairy types and the obligatory area where you capture all of the previous legendaries. Hell, it can't even be considered a Gen 8 game as it doesn't even include anything past Gen 4 and it goes back to limited TMs for some dumb fucking reason, yet moves like Return, Pursuit and Hidden Power are still unavailable, and no Unown doesn't count. I'm watching several streams of the game, I do admit it makes me want to play the game because I'm itching for a modern Pokemon game and because Platinum is my favorite game and Sinnoh my favorite region, but I remind myself that is nothing but a mobile-tier cashgrab that should be critizised as harshly as GTA Trilogy, but we all know that the Pokemon fanbase are the biggest cocksucking whores of the videogame industry.