>>14115056Yeah, EN breaks the truly braindead numberfaggots here and they just can't wrap their head around it. Its not that hard to figure out though and to say that EN is anything other than a smashing success is simply being purposely obtuse or just being a retard.
Whenever EN has a big event (costume, merch drop, new song release, big milestone stream) the numbers are absolutely massive. New song releases break records, merch sells out in minutes, conventions have to move panels because the rooms can't hold the sheer amount of people that show up. Simply put, western fans consume Hololive in a different way from the japanese fans. They aren't going to go out of their way to tune into the daily streaming but when something big happens they are going to be there.
You can cry cope all your want but that is just the way it is. I'm just tired of the sub 50 IQ retards slinging around bait because they can't see beyond CCV. Its absolutely frustrating.