>>14176960Apex alienated me hard. It's not exclusive to Ollie though, Apex is the worst fucking stream game, most of it is spent in the lobby, the actual games last 30 seconds, there's barely any chat engagement, most of the lobby time is spent lamenting the 30 seconds of play. If it's a collab then so much of it winds up being dead air because they're too focused on winning.
It ruined her other content too. She doesn't play anything more than short indie wonders and I get the impression the reason she won't commit to something bigger is because it would detract from Apex. Any time she does start a new series though there's an average of a month between episodes for it. I just feel completely out of the loop as a result, I don't know what her jokes are, what she's been doing in her own time, why she's obsessed with Chess and Maths now, why her manner of talking has become so gentle lately. If she does something that isn't Apex I have so little motivation to watch her because it's just been too long.
The thing is I fucking love Ollie. She's hilarious, her timing is on point, her unapologetic networking makes her one of the most interesting members of the vtuber community as a whole and on top of all that she's a sweetheart. Easily one of the best vtubers,
But I can't stand Lobby Legends and she's left the people who don't care about it behind.