>>14243973Prevetion is key to health anon, dentists are important because people are slobs who don't take care of themselves (and the one or two guys who actually got shit RNG for their mouth's health and will get cavities just cuz') dentist will either help you mantain your natural dentition so you can keep enjoying the pleasure of food untill old age, or will help you with prosthetics if you already lost them. also teeth are important for phonation and aesthetics. And, believe it or not, you can die from a fucking cavity, or it may damage your baby if you are pregnant. heck, if you have temporomandibular joint issues you will experience pain for the rest of your life.
Cool story time: One guy was in a comma for 6 months, he was on the care of a neurosurgeon and had already been seen by a few specialist in medicine. One day a stomatologist was talking with one of the doctors and got told that the patient had a root canal treatment before falling into comma, the stomatologist told him "Oh, I think I know the problem, I will bring over my maxilofacial surgeon to help you with that (pretty much face surgeons, a specialization of dentistry, also the guys who are best qualified to remove third molars)" to which the neurosurgeon answered "How in the world will a dentist fix this? I'm a neurosurgeon, this is my field of study, I have already tried everything" feeling his pride hurt, the stomatologis reassured him to just let the maxilofacial surgeon work. The guy got the third molar with a root canal treatment removed and 1 week later was concious again. the dentist who did his root canal treatment did a shitty job of cleaning the conducts and had essentially trapped all the bacteria on the apex of the molar, leaving a colony of bacteria to use the circulatory system as transport to the brain, place where they were causing an inflammation of the brain which caused the guy to be in a comma for 6 months, but since oral health would never be linked to a problem in the brain the neurosurgeon didn't even think about the possibility, and I know the story is true because my friend was the assistant to the maxilofacial who removed the third molar