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Yumenographia leaks

No.14319260 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Aka Anycolor is a black company edition

Actual leaks to the left if you can into nip, but the short version is, Yumenographia wasn't closed due to not making enough bucks like they told officially, but because they were contacted by some stock holders who thought that service was too "sensitive".
According to them, since the risks exist that the girls could meet the customers in real life, and by looking at the logs they did find some customers who tried to do that, and that since there was no way this risk could be prevented without investing a ton they decided it wasn't worth the risk

The final paragraph mentions that for everyone involved it's better to not talk about the true "sensitive" reason and just say that it's due to the lack of profit.

Second leak is about a mail sent to the entire yumenographia staff following the first complaint tweets from the talents.
Well it's told in nice words but basically it forbids them to react, saying that Anycolors was going to take steps against those who already tweeted/talked about it