Chloe is the Coca-Cola of chuubas. It's alright taste wise, really sweet, but it's a cheap drink, drinking it makes you thirstier and after a while it gets warm and flat, it seems there are better options in the market. But drinking it ice cold in the beach with friends just like in those advertisements? With your name written in the bottle? That's how you're supposed to enjoy it. Chloe's value is not just based on her material worth, but also in her transcendental, metaphysical entertainment. You cannot take the Gura killer, the lex luthor, fake posting, the numberfagging... and so on and so on out of the experience of enjoying Chloe, just as you cannot take out the TV commercials, the movie product placements, your cola addicted uncle, that trivial fact about red Santa Claus, all that made up history... and so on and so on when you drink Coca-Cola. It is part of the essence of enjoying these sort of products and chuubas. When you watch Chloe, and you drink Coca-Cola, you experience pure ideology.