Good lord, the ojiisan that has been reincarnated into the Atlantean Shark named Gawr Gura has obtained an incredible power boost playing Blue Archive today. The power is so strong that it's straight up leaking out, and he cannot help but cry over Arona's petite body. Who knew that all you needed to do was introduce Gura to Blue Archive to really let her go loose. There's no libido controlling here today.'s now dressed up in her sexy santa outfit as she plays more Minecraft and today is seriously a day where every streamer is showing off their hottest points just to throw libidos into chaos. It can't be helped... less than 30 minutes, Bae's going to be booting up Minecraft herself and lord knows what kinds of shenanigans she's going to have cooked up for today's stream. in less than 30 minutes, Aruran, Temma and Miyabi, the Tricky Trio will be holding a nice zatsudan. These lads have been just hanging out for the whole two days and it's basically just like a high school sleepover session.
>Song ReleasedTemma had fantastic Anniversary stream with his good friends Aruran and Miyabi and after that stream, he blessed us with this cover of the song 1.15 Million Kilometers of Film. His voice is soft and pleasant and this song cover of his is so good and comfy, give it a stream as soon as you can seriously.