>>14916631Elira: Oh, can you? Okay, good. Because my mouth is like, *on* my pop filter right now. Like, I have never been this close to my mic ever in my whole life until right now, but- buuut... Listen to me Rosemi-sama. Okay. So, when you drink alcohol, okay? Listen. When you drink alcohol. The first thing I ever learned. I taught this to Finana today. Is that when you drink alcohol? When you pee for the first time? That's when- it's- it's called breaking the seal. Apparently. That's what I was taught.
Rosemi: What kind of seal? What seal?
Pomu: The seal!
Finana: Yeah. It's called breaking the seal.
Elira: Yeah yeah, it's a thing. So when you pee the first time after you drink alcohol, the seal is broken. So like every 20 minute out-
Rosemi: The seal!?
Elira: -like, what's the word called? Interval? You're gonna have to pee. So the first time you pee? After that, it's just non-stop. But if you hold it in as long as you can, it's fine. But...
Pomu: That's so bad for you.
Elira: Yeah yeah, it is bad for you. So like, guys? Make sure you-
Finana: I held my pee like twice in a row.
Elira: Everybody, make sure you take care of your liver okay? Because honestly, it's not... jus-just don't. Like, unlike your kidney, I think you only have one. I don't know actually. You can live with one kidney but you ca- you need a liver okay guys? BUT, if you ever go to Nihon and you eat yakiniku, liver is myyyy osusume <recommendation> because it's soooooo good. So if you ever go to koshikatsu <fried meat or vegetable on sticks>, if you ever go to yak-, if you ever go, if you ever go to like, a, like a... yakiniku place? Not yakiniku. I'm so sorry. If you go to Japan ever, and you eat like, like, um, what... Yeah, yaki... oh no no no, like, teriyaki kinda? If you ever go to like a teriyaki...
Pomu: Rosemi. Rosemi. You wanna go- you wanna go crash Petra and Reimu?
Elira: If you ever go to a teriyaki place in Japan, and they offer you like a lever-like, liver on a stick? It's called livaa in Japanese, so, I'm so sorry.
Pomu: You wanna leave? Let's get out. Rosemi. She'll never stop. We need to get out-
Elira: -It's so good. So like don't- don't pass up on it. It's so good. If you like liver, it's sooo good. I think it's the best kind of yakiniku- not yakiniku. I'm so sorry. Umm, teriyaki. So anyways, I hope you guys have a good stream. I'll end it off for you- Not end it off. I'm so sorry. I'll end off this call for you because you know, I don't want to make you guys end your stream, because then you have to stop streaming and then you have to go on Youtube and press "stop live" and like that's so annoying but if, but like, but like...