>>14964489>it just means they at least have some basis when negotiating with Youtube to avoid sudden strikes crippling the channels on some retard's whim.It's not "some basis". There are two scenarios
1) you have a written explicit contract. You get striked. You filed a counterclaim. The strike goes away and both parties go to court where you present the contract as evidence of copyright holder permission.
2) you *don't* have a written explicit contract. You get striked. You filed a counterclaim. The strike goes away and both parties go to court where the other side wins because you have no case.
In this particular case JukinMedia let these "reaction" streamers get off easy. But for a multi stream let's play (think Undertale, for instance), the company could simply strike there #1, #2 and #3 in the series and kill (let's say) Chloe's channel and bar her from ever creating any account on Google property again (including GMail, Youtube, Play store, all of them)