Good morning! It's not so long since my last reading, but I wanted to get it done before the day starts for real for me!
For today's reading we got Temperance, Reversed Two of Pentacles and Reversed Three of Wands.
The general mood of today is that it is a day where Balance, Patience and Moderations reign. You have to make sure you don't overdo and that you allow yourself the time to rebalance your life and adjust for strange events coming up. In my case, I just saw that I won't get my paycheck for another two days, which means I have to live frugally for today and tomorrow, which was NOT something I had planned! Argh! The angel of the Temperence card stands with one foot on land and one in water, meaning that she is both grounded, and allowing herself to be creative, in perfect balance. The pyramid, or triangle, is also one of the sturdiest geometrical shapes. Have you ever tried to flip a D4? It's difficult!
The Two of Pentacles is a young man balancing two coins while dancing, and this is supposed to represent time management, multiple priorities, and juggling your life. Since the coins are also inside of the shape of Infinity, it symbolises general life and balance, tightly connected with the previous card. Since this one is Reversed, however, it means that the hurdles we will face today are over-committing to multiple projects, difficulty organising and prioritizing, and generally just taking on too big of a workload.
The cards recommend the Three of Wands to us, Reversed, as a way of handling the day best. What does that mean? Well usually this card stands for foresight, expansion and progress. The man on the card is looking out over seas and mountains, symbolising plans ahead, but he is firmly grounded with the three planted wands. Reversed, however, this card can represent playing small, lacking foresight, or even unexpected delays.
For this reading, I would assume this means that to get through this day of overcommitment and poor planning and achieving the balance and stability of the Temperence card, we might need to delay some projects, or even just focus on the small things to make sure those are out of the way.
That email you've been pushing ahead that would get the metaphorical gravel out of your shoe? Send it today! It's just an e-mail. Have a commission planned? Maybe handle some of the stuff around it so you can approach it tomorrow with more energy and focus.
Ultimately, make sure you don't fall out of order. Sometimes, to balance the bigger things, we need to focus on the smaller things and make the prep work.