>>15067926>The only men who like it are the ones that don't get harassed in the first placeFemanon please. I never get harassed (aside from of a looker comparing me to her father and sitting on my lap that one time) and still wouldn't like it. Women shouldn't expect me to put out in a misandrist, gynocentric, marxist, hypercollectivist uberdystopia that would crucify me on her behalf even if I did everything right.
Personally, I'd prefer to amass a personal army, conquer the world and genocide the chivalrous from the gene pool before settling down and sexually harassing some vtubers. I like to be comfy, and I couldn't be comfy while sexually harassing a woman if I still had to worry about some GALLANT NICE GUY, HERE TO SAVE THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS WHILE TIPPING HIS FEDORA AT A RATE OF ONE THOUSAND COPES PER MINUTE, stepping in and whining about how m'lady deserves to be treated like a queen. Hard pass on dealing with that headache.
I'd rather grit my teeth, play Apex and cry bitch tears over becoming the kind of absolute subhuman scum that plays flavor the the current year games than have to deal with SOCIETY interfering in my private interpersonal relationships. As far as I'm concerned, if you're not invited to the orgy, shut up and go worry about your own sex life. Oh wait JAJAJAJAJAJAJA!