>>1525481That's a disingenuous way to put it, ESL-kun.
Cover buys rights to monetize music
But they also permit talents to purchase song rights themselves out of pocket, because Cover obviously cannot buy everything every talent wants to sing, and has limits on who they can purchase rights from due to special agreements with certain record labels and music producers. They give the talents the freedom to do it themselves, instead.
It's an unusual policy, because most talent agencies keep a tighter grip on their talents and don't give them the freedom to do things like purchase song rights themselves, but Cover does give their talents that freedom because their approach is different.
Songs that every holo can sing, like Sorairo Days, are payed for by cover, but songs that an individual holo pays for means permissions only for that holo. They purchase those rights as a content creator but not as a representative of cover corp, which is how they circumvent exclusivity clauses and other red tape.