>>1530234then i see the little box pop up, the mind racing again.
A bit quickie let's jump to the top of the screen.
Ok. So what is there?
What we can see is there a button.
Now now lets take a look at the main button.
Just wait a minute, the last little bit is there.
How exactly is that button done, you can probably imagine that the person standing in the window is looking at something in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
Now that you started thinking about the question you were asking, the next little screen popped up.
The next little screen is the top right of the screen.
Notice? The next button that you can see looks like this.
So what is this button doing we see? Okay?
There is a red button.
This button is pointing in the monitor and it will act like this when you are moving in the space.
This button is just showing you information that the person is looking at.
And like what you might say, this is basically a video screen.
So how it works is really simple. Just take a look at the first image below.
Notice there is a red frame.
Notice that the black text is on the left the frame on top.
Notice the red text as well?