>>15371486anon is correct but the other layer to this is that since then all the generational demography shit is stuff made up by management consultant firms sold to incompetent middle managers/senior staff/HR so they can give a guidebook on how to manage the new, incoming workfroce in their 20s
they all sound the same because they're meant to make middle managers feel better about being shit at their jobs -- it's not their problem, it's the kids, they're all incompetent and stupid but it's not their fault they were raised that way because of tv/internet/social media/youtubers/VR/neural probes implanted directly into their brain cells that give them a collective consciousness
the dates on generations shift around because the people that write the literature about this shit have to do an embarrassing dance when they realize the people they were shitting on with the same generic excuses 5-10 years ago have now reached positions of authority themselves and are reading this same stuff for help. meanwhile it's literally the same boomers that have been writing and signing off on this garbage for like 30+ years