If anything, popularity will grow over time. Societal structues will probably not change significantly over the next 10 years (or after that) but will continue in its current trends.
As technology advances and the percentage of the population which grew up on/with the internet grows (older generations being replaced by them), social isolation will increase as well. Not to say that social isolation is the only, or even the biggest reason for vtubers being popular, but it plays a role.
Also, the "anime aesthetic" is becoming more and more acceptable and mainstream, younger children grow up with it and it will become more normalized than it ever before (I go to school and the amount of of kids I see who draw or wear anything related to anime or anime-like games has drastically increased just over the course of my school career, and i live in germany, where the progression of anime becoming mainstream is still miles behind the situation in the US). I can see vtubers integrate into the larger network of internet content creation even further, as it is already doing right now. I expect, as the novelty wears off, it will soon be nothing more than another part of internet entertainment and not be distinguished siginificantly from normal youtubing/streaming.
Quantity of Vtubing will undoubtedly increase, I'm not sure about quality though (apart from the technological progress, take look at Kson's model when she looks to the side to see a small part of what awaits). As there are many terrible youtubers, there will be many terrible vtubers, scandals and drama, but a reasonable portion of genuinely good vtubers will most likely always exist. A model like Hololive has shown to be continously effective, so I think apart from innovation in the field, original sturctures will remain beside them.