>>1614432Okay, you've heard the shitters answers, now the real answer:
Nyanners had grown uncomfortable with some of the content that Nekopara had as central themes, mostly related to the "ownership" nature of the catgirls in the show. She was also getting a lot of shit for participating in the game over Twitter, Reddit, and here (guess by who), so she asked the group if they could switch games and they are switching games. None of them have any issue with this and as a result no longer will they be streaming and voice acting Nekopara as a team but will switch to another game starting on Thursday. The collab streams are continuing, the voice acting is continuing, they're just going to do a different game.
The long and the short of it is that Nyanners should have done her research on Nekopara before agreeing to take part in it. Noble should have done his research on what would make Nyanners uncomfortable before inviting her (remember, he also decided to do Doki Doki Literature Club with Mel, Mouse, Silver, and Bunny and decided, along with Silver and Mouse who had played the game already, not to tell Bunny or Melody about the nature of that game and it ended up disturbing Melody very badly). So there's some blame to go around here, but Nyanners is owning her own mistakes on this and has explained her stance on her Discord as to why she was uncomfortable with the content of the game and why she was having an issue streaming it to thousands of viewers. Yes, she shouldn't have done it in the first place. Yes, she could have stuck through it and just never done that again. However, what is done is done.
The shitters constantly point out Nyanners' history in which she states numerous times that she takes her role as a content creator seriously. She knows she has people watching what she feels she owes a certain responsibility to, especially younger viewers, and she's once again making a decision partially based on that notion. Shitters also called her hypocritical for doing this in the first place, and now she's not doing it anymore, so they'll be happy now. I'm sure.
In any event, Nekopara is out and whatever is next is in starting Thursday. That's the story