Hey guys, I see a lot of speculation in this thread so I'm going to clear some things up. Our rough expansion timeline looks something like this:
>Late 2021: Hololive ES, because our Spanish-speaking fans have contributed so much to the community so far, we feel introducing Spanish VTubers is the best way forward.
>Summer 2022: Hololive KO, our fans have been vocal about how much they would appreciate a Korean-speaking group of VTubers, I know our great community will welcome them warmly!
>Early 2024: Hololive RU, a huge number of fans speak Russian already, so in order to draw in an even larger crowd, we are planning to debut a group of Russian-speaking VTubers.
>Mid 2025: Hololive AR, Arabic is one of the most spoken languages in the world, and represents an untapped market in the electronic entertainment industry. Much like Hololive ID, Islam does not seem to be an especially relevant topic in this sense, so no controversy is to be expected.
>2026-27: Hololive IN, India also represents a mostly untapped market for Japanese entertainment, though India has many VTubers of its own so far and its entertainment industry is a fast-rising star.
>Aiming for 2027: Hololive FR, the French branch of Hololive will be created in response to the fact that French people, unlike civilized countries in Europe, absolutely hate learning English. It's quite likely that they will consider the existence of a French-speaking group of VTubers a declaration of their superiority, so their support is greatly anticipated.
>Post-WW3: Hololive CN, after China's reconstruction, their culture will be rebuilt from the ground up by the highest bidder. Of course, in order to cope with being turned into a pseudo-American neo-Asian society, a new VTuber branch will be debuted as a method of escapism and propaganda we can use to take control of China for ourselves, to whom it is owed.
Thank you for supporting Hololive talents so far. Look forward to our future endeavors.