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No.16376086 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>I'm so angry. I'm so angry right now. So a couple days ago, I told my mom to bake a chocolate cake for me. And it was my idea by the way. And I said "FOR ME." I don't care if my family takes a slice or two, but not the whole freaking thing, okay? I wanted at least half the cake for myself, but instead I was being a good girl and said okay I'm gonna save this for later after stream. I come back after stream and the whole entire thing is gone. And I only got to eat one slice out of this entire two day period. I didn't even get to last with it for a week and everybody ate it all and I'm so pissed. I was about to throw a fit at my sister's room. I was gonna open up her door and scream at her, but instead, I acted better. And so I'm so mad and I hope that if ever, if she ever, makes a cake again, I'm gonna eat it all, and she will suffer the consequences of eating my chocolate cake. And I'm pretty sure all of it was my sister. I'm not going to blame it on my other family 'cause they don't eat chocolate cake that much, but! I'm going to eat it. I'm going to eat all of her stuff as revenge. And this is a declaration of war. You hear me? You hear me? I'm so pissed.

What's the angriest you've ever seen a VTuber get on stream?