Since it's not raining, Roboco's plans have been ruined so her crops haven't been growing as fast as she hoped. She's still having a really fun time running around with her mechanized warrior of a character, scaling mountains, fixing up her base, riding atop her lightning breathing dragon and surveying her automated metal works. You know, just a typical Robococized ARK stream to sit and have fun listening to how goddamn cute she is.
Roboco ARK: eating delicious, german chocolate on her stream to get those energy levels up, Kiwawa is a wittle sleepy weepy. But it's okay, she's pretty much done with her supachat readings and she's closing up her stream by talking about her future plans like the skiing trip she's going on as well as the streams she's got planned out which you should go check out her schedule to make time for all of them. Every single one of them. less than 45 minutes, we've got a WAHnderful time ahead of us because Ina's pulling out the good ole tablet once again to provide us with a nice, calm, comfy drawing stream. It's going to be so much fun that nobody will be angry and we'll have a nice, calm, wonderful thread. Tabun.>Songs ReleasedRisu released an original song that you should go listen to right now. Like do it right at this minute. If you have to ask why then that means you haven't done it yet and should do so immediately. This song she put out is so gorgeous and completely breathtaking. Everything about it is insanely high quality and full of heart. Risu's vocals, the MV, the lyrics, every part of this song will give your heart palpitations and tears well up in your eyes. That's why you need to go give her song streams and also make sure to congratulate Risu on this release.