>>16617130>Objection!Hololive was originally mad to be an idol company, as had been stated by Yagoo and the talents. That is the reason of "Yagoo's dream is dead" meme persists to this day, as that was his original vision for the company.
Although he did eventually concede that Hololive is now effectively an entertainment company, a fact many fans latched onto, we should not forget that idols are, in fact, entertainment. He changed the wording, but his goal remained the same.
At the same time with the growth of the company, more assets and budget have become available for them to use in order to realise the idol dream. Additionally, one of the reasons less idol work was being pushed was due to Covid restrictions preventing easy access to equipment and venues. Now, with said restrictions hopefully coming to a close some time this year, Yagoo has pushed for the talents to prepare for more idol-like activities.
Streaming games was never the true aim of Hololive. It has been integrated into the company and the talents' character and activities, yes, but it has always been a way to gather fans and funds for their main goal. If the Prosecution truly believes that idol activities are stifling the talents, they are delusional.
Yagoo is following his dream, he is using all the growth the girls have achieved over these last couple of years to realise the true purpose of Hololive. A vision that has been, in theory, embraced by all the talents, which is why they are now shifting their focus.
Consequently, Yagoo remains best girl as he has never strayed from his intended path, being a man (girl) of focus, commitment and sheer will.