hmm... I dunno, its just clear she just doesn't wanna stream that much. I won't say its not fine, but if its clear she doesn't enjoy it I sort of lose my motivation to stay membered and follow up. Occasional long breaks would be fine if it seemed like she enjoyed steaming otherwise, but its just increasingly clear she doesn't like doing this, and has to push herself while competitors just sound so much more motivated, and their consistent streaming proves it, and no I won't watch them because I don't care for their streaming styles, but they do have more motivation, and I when I compare them I realize Gura just doesn't really like streaming, its just a job to her, and not a calling.
I lose motivation to watch or pay the $10 a month, because I like to watch motivated people first and foremost, not people who don't really want to be there, and that's how she has come off.
Its not like i'm saying this to 'put pressure on her' or anything (not like she's really here anyways right guys? haha...), its more an unhinged rant of mine that's been building because I've noticed this lack of willingness to stream in contrast to the competition, who are very motivated, and I can't help but question if they really want to be there, and do I want to watch someone who seems like they don't want to be there.
Its not really just Gura either, I've noticed most of EN seems unmotivated these days, and those that do seem motivated are going in directions that I don't particularly care to watch (like Calli and e-'celebs'). Ame is just gone from the world, and Council has the least motivation as a gen that I've ever seen. Why did they even join? Maybe I'm just getting disenchanted with EN, and it would be better if I stop watching it altogether, unmember, ignore, just watch JP cause I know the JP members like doing what they're doing (or at least their acting is convincing enough.
I can't help feel that its management's fault due to how widespread this motivation issue is. I have no proof, its just a feeling.
Man, I wish there was a /rant/ thread that I could post this in instead because this is about Gura but also about the state (decline) of EN in audience appeal, but unfortunately this is home here now.