>>17058863What is steamloots? Basically its just an alert system that can be used to show artwork while playing a sound when used. These can be tied to redeems, or giving out prizes like i do with sketches, so it ties a lot together in one neat little package.
For example this card here I made forces me to do 5 pushups and or jumping jacks, I have some cards that play a voice line from other vtubers ( i do not like recordings of my own voice while im talking in my stream ).
It's also fantastic for giving away as prizes or just giving cards to people for supporting you or being an active viewer. I have some meter building mechanics where I give away packs as prizes once it's full.
Lastly compared to subs which even as a partner you only ger 50%, right now I get 80% profit from streamloots, The viewers get more tools to interact with chat, and I am getting a ton of use out of my sketches and little pieces of art that would otherwise sit around being unused. I get pretty excited about making new cards with new effects and seeing what people like to play the most. Next up i will be making cards that shrink and grow my model.
Lastly I like how I can get the card system to work with twitch redeems, if people store up points they can buy packs which means viewers don't have to pay money to play along or be part of giveaways etc. Also it lets me clean up my redeems and not have 40 redeems sitting there that are not always applicable to my current stream.
I'm sure I didn't sell this system to you guys as well as I could have but I really think it has huge potential if managed right.
If you're into it check out my referrel link here:
https://www.streamloots.com/krimbokills/referral?referralCode=krimbokillsAnd here's the list of my current cards I've made: