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2view "staff" thread

No.17179350 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>found 2view
>paid patreon for 1 month cuz why not
>totally abandoned, dropped it next month
>got invited to her discord
>place was so dead, i became mod both there and youtube in literal 24 hours,
>she's noticeable menhera, streams whenever she wants, don't do shit to improve, ignores suggests, etc
>keeps revolting around the 5 same gachikois who surround her
>always disappear on saturday/sunday nights
>I clearly know why, and I am totally aware of this fact.
>I didn't care but now it's bothering me.
>I felt it's better to not hangout anymore around but i still view and do my job as janniemod/2cent manager from time to time
>can't help but feel everytime she talks to me it's because I was probably the only one who dropped a few bucks in months besides the usuals, or I am the latest toy.
>but ofc she's not talking me for selfinitiative or good reasons at all
>played the redpill vn game
>hit me harder than I expected, made me realize a lot of stuff
>ofc I have no feels for her and I can just ignore it, but one night it hit me somehow and felt bad. That feeling whatever it was annoyed me.

How fucked am I?

Is this what /vt/ calls parasocial relationship?

What do, please help.